Paul Moving Home

Correction to the moving date – Paul will be moving here on Sunday 11/1.

The date is set. Paul is moving back to Chicago on Halloween (scary).
His new address is:
5104 S. Laramie, Ave.
Chicago, IL 60638

3 Responses to “Paul Moving Home”

  • Reddo Says:

    Hey, Paul, look forward to your arrival back home!!
    Hope to see you at a card game soon!
    Will stop by and check in when visiting Mom Sifner (she says hey, like Mary and Robin do too). Peace, Reddo

  • mary workman Says:

    Hi Gail and Paul,cant wait till you get home have a safe journey on the road see you when you get in let us know what dont forget your shower heads !!!!!!lol luv you guys mary

  • Holly Przenicany Says:

    Hey Paul,
    Welcome back to Sweet Home Chicago…
    love ya, sister Holly

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