Welcome to PaulBergren.com!

Check back often for updates on Paul’s life, location, and health.

Don’t forget to visit the “About Paul” page.

Paul was recently diagnosed with cancer for the second time in his life. The cancer (Renal Cell Carcinoma) has no known cure and is very resistant to Chemo and radiation treatments. Paul’s wife Gail has also had serious health problems for the last 10 years. Until now, they were able to make ends meet on Paul’s salary and used his work insurance to fill in the gaps with what Medicare did not cover for Gail.

Well, Paul has not been able to work since the beginning of June and is now medically disabled and will not be returning to work. His medical insurance ran out at the end of August and he has had to begin paying for his own insurance via the COBRA laws (it is expensive).

Paul and Gail need financial help to pay for  insurance, medical expenses, day-to-day living expenses, and moving expenses to get them back to Chicago. They will be moving back to Chicago in the next couple of months to be close to family and friends.

A fund is set up at TCF Bank on behalf of Paul and Gail. The name of the fund is the  “Paul Bergren Family Fund“.  If anyone can afford to help out, there are 2 ways to donate:

1) You can deposit money directly into the fund account with a credit card, or transfer funds from a bank account via the PayPal  “Donate” button on this web page. Just click on the button and fill in the required information.

2) Mail checks made payable to “Paul Bergren Family Fund“  to Paul’s brother, Steve, and he will deposit them in the account.

Steve Bergren
6243 W. 63rd Street
Chicago, IL 60638

Thank you in advance for anything that you can do to help!  A fundraiser will be planned after Paul and Gail relocate back to Chicago to help them out even further.

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